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Me again!
Okay, I'm hooked on the alternate dimension (wasteland world). What's the lore behind it?
According to Metal Ozzy (the Ozzy of that world), Dashley teamed up with Fexus, and Zeneck, in that universe. Did Dashley (maybe along with Fexus) steal all of the world's resources, took over the planet, or outright destroyed its ecosystem and left everyone to perish? The world is clearly post-apocalyptic, so Dashley must have done something terrible. You can see around the world that everyone hates Dashley (especially Metal Ozzy before getting to know him). There are even signs with Dashley's face crossed out and ones that say "revolt" too. 
What exactly happened there?

Also, what in the world is Anubis doing there??

You are correct.
The Doc in that dimention indeed worked with Fexus and Zeneck in order for world domination.
So the planet is for most part drained of its life forces, you see remains of machinery and mining of oil all around, experiments have gone wrong and leaves this world in a weird gravity defying state, and there are rifts constantly opening and closing.

You know what they say when there are to many captains in 1 ship things tend to go wrong, so it did a massive explosion happened tearing this world apart, making it all 1one big desert and broken machinery, Metal Ossy Protected his brother thats why he is a cyborg now and lost some of his limbs.
He revived and swore an oath to destroy the ones who did this to his planet so Cyber Ossy builded strong holds with the scraps and remains he could find and also with remaining monsters, as an energy scource he mined oil from the ground, thats why they have electricity and some of the older machines made by Doc, Fex, Zeneck can function also so provide for water and food heat in the evening, and having tv and radio.

So since our doc was not responceble for this whole ordeal the doc and cyber Ossy are now allyed against common enemy's thats why cyber Ossy appears in the Lab of Tommorow and gifts the player.

and for anubis he appears everywhere where a lot of death happened and guide lost spirits to the afterlife.

Beat It! got the gallery and got the true end...a fun game but geez i think the thing that killed me most was the wall jump section in the world 5 city, because not to be rude but the wall jump mechanic is not the greatest. and not being able to look down definitely sucked at times and got me killed, but all in all a great game! can't wait for the next one. Also screw Fexus, mf killed me after I took off all of his health. 

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Oh also I don't know if this was intentional, but when I was getting chased by Dracalys in the second chase in the last spooky world, when the red tornado went off, instead of getting slammed into the ground, anubis spawned out of nowhere and sat on me instead. I did that chase scene over 20 times and it made me jump when the jackal suddenly popped out of the tornado

haha yup you found the hidden squash, it has like a 20% chance to appear.

Yeah I know, I was already really happy I got it to work in the player, it was the very first code I wrote and the most Jank ^^;
Yes we all must Hate Fexus haha

maybe you can now look for the easter eggs and get the hidden ending :3

Enjoying the game so far, just curious on how to get the last piece of the railgun from HUB 3 Alien/ introduction to the big rideable monster.

Hmmmm if you remember you arrive on a small space ship to the shortcut tower.
mmmaaayybbbeeee you can use the anti gravity to get even higher ontop **wink wink**

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Alright, finally beat the game and unlocked the Gallery. Reading the comments it seems there's another secret character to find. May I have some clues as to where?

Edit: I've found the castle secret (Screaming Sign) and met with Ozzy to get a gun upgrade (10% thing) and payed off the Red Dragon.

I've read there is a secret ending requires that requires 5 secrets? If so, how and where are the rest of the secrets?

You will know if you find them, they are animated and have something funny.
after you found them, beat the boss on easy mode to get secret ending :3

i am having lots of trouble with the alien dragon in the level wither that floating mine follows you. do i NEED a gun of some sort?

You can easy hit mines with the lazer and double shot upgrade

unfortunately its the alien dragon im having trouble with, i cant find a way over or under him and i cant lead the mine to detonate on him

Can you provide a screen shot?

of where exactly


Nice to see people are still talking about this game. Anyways, I've been messing around the game a bit and restarted a few times, but I noticed something. For someone reason, Wasteland (4-4) and City of Tomorrow (4-5) already have their towers active, even though I haven't entered the levels yet. Has to be a glitch of some kind. You mind checking this out, Doctor?

Thanks for the Notice!

Its not that big of an issue, but I found the problem and it's fixed.
2 lines of code I forgot to add on the new game button.

Hey Dash, when you said you fixed it, did you mean you fixed the current build (1.8.5) or will you release the fix in a new one? Because I restarted my game and the issue is still there.

I have to put it in a patch.

But I rather make a big patch then just a super small one.

Its not game breaking tho.

Because when you start from fresh you still have to activate the towers for the first time ^^

But I rather spend my time making my 3d game **hint hint**

i still cant ending 3 even though i got the normal and good ending, anyone has a guide?

You need to find 3 hidden easter eggs.
And a special character will appear.
And then go to xith and activate easy mode to trigger the ending if you found all 5 the secrets.
That is all I am going to say.

i think i already did that? the red dragon from the first few levels showed up and i payed him off if thats what your talking about

That is one of them yes.

but there is another with a gift. ^_^

And you know the secret easteregg when you find them because something happens when you touch them

you mean alt ozzy , i got something from him too? is there anything else?

If you beat him in the 3th world, maybe you should go back and play the lab of tommorow city level again hint hint


Hey there Dr. Dashley, so far i´ve been playing ur game and i have found very very hard, but fun on the bight side, the animations are sweet an smooth and i would like to see if theres any gallery of animations at the end of the game.

so far its been smooth but im stuck on lvl 4-4 on the industry lvl i reach a part where u can see the Anubis enemy and 3 more enemies walking on a long place. i´ve tried and lost many lifes trying to understand where to go, if u have time i would like to see a video or some hints to where the hell to go, i already activated the tower and thats it, idk where else to go 77. 

aside that, its been a really fun game, a frustrating one to be honest, but very fun, keep the good job my friend! the animations are sweeT! <3

Yes there is a gallery, you unlock it by having true ending, so you need to activate all towers and beat Last boss on Normal.
Don't worry Boss diffeculty is the same.

In the Level you need to bounce off the Bird to get higher up where there are 2 conveyor so if you go down its the secret area you need to go UP.

Glad you are enjoying the game, its not that bad once you know where to go :3

U fcking sneaky bastard (in good terms) how i didn´t noticed that, oh noooooo, Haha XD.

Thank u so much for the hints, thats gonna help me a lot!.

Nothing sneaky about it, when you first meet the bird you are teached you can bounce off him >:3
Good luck 100% the game :3

I have a question, i finally managed to get into the final boss, but.........Why everything i do seems innefective? Like genuinely i have lost 100 lives trying to get one of his armour off but not a single weapon do the necesary damage.

It mean to be that hard or something? cause i dont get it, i even paid the 200000 gems to the red dragon but i can´t keep progressing. 

Yeah fexus is a road block.

You can beat him with lazer weapon (upgraded)

Or if you wanna melt him.

Go find the hidden weapon parts in hidden levels on normal mode.

Or farm up to buy the gun.

Tip with fexus is just jump and jetpack on his chest level and keep blasting him.

And the red dragon... well that is just Seth he is an bastard, lore reasons.

Can I have some hints on where the secret towers are? I'm only missing one on the first level of the last world and the previous world on the level where you obtain the jetpack.

So that will be spooky level, well all I can say is Keep an eye out for a lift platform when you go down the tower, where you are with the possum and the bat.

And jetpack level, you should look at the end for a swing if I recall from memory


In the nicest way possible, this game is absolutely frustrating. There's no way about it. Even on the fresh update and on easy, the game just screws you over in so many ways it's unreal. I've managed to make it to... I believe 4-2, where ICE starts being introduced. I cannot for the life of me tell you how many god damn lives I have lost simply to the game being so poorly timed with these two ice projectiles during the double jump. I kid you now when I say it's been a FUCKING struggle even just to get up to this point with how blind some of these jumps are, even if you 'simply follow the gem paths'. "Oh. Lol. You got lasered by a Raptor from off screen that you toggled and didn't know about and were unable to avoid it due to a low ceiling." I try to be patient with some sections but my fucking god dude. I had to stop and vent out these frustrations finally after draining nearly 30 lives into this same shitty ice roadblock because, the timing seems off, the wall jumps are so gimmicky that you can't bounce off the wall fast enough to make a cycle. Unless there's some secret tech bullshit I'm missing about double jumps, wall jumping, or just being able to phase through these awful obstacles, I seriously can't fathom how some people have beaten this game so fast and on hard mode without getting a minor bit frustrated. Hell, being able to zoom out more would be fucking glorious so I can see what the hell I'm getting into.


As I stated this game is tough.
And thats the last part of the level so you can do it.
Cool off and come back when you are well rested.

Those Ice shooters get activated while you get closer.
So what you can do is just walk back and give yourself a better timing with the shooters.

And use your jetpack in the jump.

I am having a slight problem, I am not sure if I can see any specific issues but this pops up every time I try to run the game.

Its driver related i fear its not something I can fix on my end.

Damn, I will see if I can do anything

You can try to look for a driver download.

Or see if you can play on a different pc.

Sorry this happened to you.


I remember playing the demo forever ago when it released, and I'm glad to see the game finally get finished! I haven't quite had a chance to play it yet, but I'll let you know what I thought of it when I'm done!

Have fun with the game when you get to it.

Its a night and day with the old demo ^^

(2 edits)

I can safely say the game was amazing! The levels are great, the story and dialogue are interesting, and the animations are wonderful (as expected)! The only real negative thing I have to say is that when bugs do hit, they hit hard - I got softlocked once, and completed a level only to get locked out of getting the keycard without restarting. But when it took me about 11-ish hours, I'd say that's not too bad. I also quite like all the collectables - my only complaint there is that it's a little hard to tell what you need and figure out where it is. 

Also because I don't know if anyone else will say it, but the commercials in the city are very well done!

I am glad you enjoyed it, as for my first game on my own yeah bugs can happen ^^;
And on what level did you get soft locked?
As for the secrets there are slight hints but also exploration is rewarded =3

Hehe you are the first one to mention the silly propoganda commercials, thats the secret of world building.

Deleted 152 days ago

I think you mean The Castle level with the light house with treasure ontop?
Yeah in that level I was mr evil and put the key under the treasure ^^;

and I knew about the spawning glitch its really bad luck if you get it, so I put a death floor under the level but I fear it did not work for you there.

Yes I do have a squashing themed discord so if you wanna join I will put a linky here:


I played the entirety of the game and I believe I achieved a 100% completed save file. I have to say, this game really surprised me. It was more than just a game with special interests in it, that I share, but it was a real, true gaming experience. I enjoyed the story, the dialogue and the exceptional challenge at many points. Even if I felt like banging my head against the wall a few times in failure, I never felt the urge to rage quit. Instead, I felt the desire to keep playing and find secrets, interactions and more. This is indicative that a lot of time and care was put into this game.

Needless to say, I got more than my money's worth. This is a great game.

Thank you for the kind words.
I am happy you enjoyed the game, as a gamer myself I really wanted this game to have a lot of replay value, and kinda want to push the player to stop hiding behind easy mode.

As other said to me, my game is not even that bad if you know the level paths and what to do.
In order to have a 100% you must have gotten the 3 endings, all cd's and all skull coins and have found the little easter eggs  hidden in the levels, and found the hidden levels and got all the railgun parts if you don't wanna buy it.

As for the price, I had my testers speedrun the game, so beginning to end and my game was about 7 hours.
You can ask 1 euro / dollar an hour, plus taxes in my county and itchio share the game was about 10 dollar ^^
Which is the price of movie tickets these days.

Anyways congratz on 100% this silly game of mine.

still cant found those secret chracter interactions, any hints to where i should look?

If you beat boss 3 and payed Draclys.

Check out city level 1.

And switch to normal mode and walk in and out the Armory

oh i already payed off the 200000 to the red dragon but i guess ill have to check out city level one

Yes and there are 3 easter eggs you can find all I can say is.
You can find them in Castle, Spooky, Space station level.
They are not obvious but there are slight hints where you can find them.

Okay, im having a hard time find them and I'm getting kind of desperate. I'll hunt the secret within the level itself, but can you ay least tell me which room specific Castle and Spooky level I should be searching in? (Like room 3 spooky or room 2 castle) I already found the one secret in the space station.

Warp room 1, Castle
Warp room 2, City
Warp room 3, Spooky
Warp room 4, Space station
And you need to Pay of Seth in normal mode in the armory.

Good luck hunting.

well i met alternate ossy and got the gun upgrade, the beat the final boss on easy mode butr i still didnt get the third ending

Did you activate the 7 towers and beat the boss on Normal mode?

yeah i did 


The game is fantastically done and I'm so proud of you. The downside however is that I am nowhere near good enough to play the game. I have been trying and playing the game for a while since release and yeah, cannot achieve it. I would go with easy mode, but the game actively discourages you from doing so, which I honestly find rather disappointing that I'm being punished for my lack of skills in gaming.

Gripes aside, from what I've played, I think you've built a very well done game with great character and level designs. Well done.


Thank you for trying the game and enjoying it.

My game is set up like a steps plan.

First you play in easy mode to know the levels and enemys ans trap position and if you get the hang of that you can try for collectables.

I like to give every diffeculty its own rewards.

Easy: beating the level and weapon parts.

Normal: CD and hidden level

Hard: skull coins leading to ammo upgrades CD and a unit of a gun.

The thing about skill is you can gain them and get better and dont give up! my game asks for pattience and use of your brain a little.

You can do this and always farm up for gems and lives if you need some extra help.


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So you are asking where to find your game files?
If its correct you should have gotten an Email from Itchio.
So look in your spam folder if its not in your normal inbox.

The Email should have a link leading to all the files so you can download it.
Next time I would appreciate you to use English for a question.
I am also not using my native language to answer.

I hope you will find the email and if you have problems, please contact me.

How do I deal with the sharks in the second level of the final world

Try not to get sat on XP
I mean they can't sit on you while they are sitting yes.

Was just making there wasn't some trick to it. Thanks.

Only trick is that you activate them and then move once they jump back in the water ^^

(4 edits)

How many secret levels/encounters/easter eggs are there? And if possible would you tell me which levels they are on? Also it there or will there be an area where you can see the bosses animations? I ask because they are not in the area with the rest.

Well if you play trough the game again you might come across them if you are collecting CD and stuff.
And no bosses in the gallery, I want people to visit the boss to get smushed instead of just recording the gallery.
There are 5 hidden secrets, Good luck finding them :P

How does one get past this barrier?

If you mean the things you're standing on, then you don't. Those don't do anything. Instead, jump up on those platforms to your top right. There's a secret challenge waiting for you. (If you haven't already beaten it)

I already did the challenge was just making sure that I hadn't missed anything

I’m just gonna say it cause I can’t get this though out of my head, draculus (or however you spell the purple investor dragons name) has a crush(pun mildly intended) on docter dashley. And you might say that Dracula’s hates docter Dashley but no you would be wrong, docter Dashley hates draculus. Draculas actually seems to like docter dashley a whole lot and is kinda casually flirty with him when he’s not talking about dashley breaking the agreement or paying back the debt. This is because if dashley pays back the debt then he can’t sit on him (I mean he obviously shows he can but like maybe he just doenst want to break the deal first) also he cares about the sitting more then the gems themselves. Like the way he talks about “playing” with docter dashley and how he spins all that running as a positive for him is incredibly telling. Dracula’s basically rigs the entire agreement not to make money but for the sole reason to sit on docter dashley. I rest my case your honor, the double cheeked up dragon of dubious morals is and I quote down bad 

also to put that not caring about the gems thing into perspective, this man is a dragon… a dragon who’s ENTIRE JOB is about gems and gem collection , this dragon has to care about gems to a degree above even normal dragons and yet he STILL cares more about getting with docter dashley and a comfortable seat than the actual debt (or maybe he wants to trap docter dashley in more debt somehow but I feel like that would have diminishing returns after a while)

Dracalys job is working for the Dragon Government, so most of the time he is doing boring paper work.
His lore is that he is a very well known bounty hunter, and now he has a more layed back job.
So when the opportunity comes to hunt down someone he gets really exited.
Dragon have so much wealth they don't care about the gems, but the thrill of the hunt, they do.
Dracalys does not like humans at all so thats also why he thrives to get tot he doctor, as you can see in the game he gets way more angry and determined to capture the doc.

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This was a very difficult but interesting game, I actually completed the final boss but I don't know if I activated all the towers, could you mention how many towers there are or at least the Hubs to find them? And any new ideas for a new game? 

Note: Just one thing, I found all the towers and activated them, I pressed the button on the base in all of them but even after defeating the boss I still didn't release the final room.

Have you Checked which of the big machines around the portals are activated?
You need to beat Fexus on normal mode, so make sure EASY MODE in Xith shop is off, and then beat Fexus.

As for a new game.
We might play as Seth in the next game who is gonna kick ass because he got in trouble too at the same time the doc got in dept.

Hey there. I basically completed the game for the most part, and really enjoyed it btw! But you mentioned in the comments about there being 3 endings. I already got 2 of them, but any non-spoilery pointers on how to get the 3rd one?

Really glad you enjoy the game and got the 2 main endings!

Hmmm, In the game there are secret character encounters, and hidden easter eggs hidden in the levels.
If you found those and beat the final boss in easy mode you might get a new ending.
Good luck hunting , there are indications where secrets are hidden, you will know when you found a secret because something happens.

Then hunt I shall. Thanks a bunch for the pointers. Also, did you have to go that hard with the dragons (and dino) in Room 4 Wasteland?? Literally my favorite enemies in the game xD

me too but also secret characters ? Dang this game is filled with secrets including the secret levels 

did you find the secrets? I found one secret level but no secret character encounters 

Nope, not all of them. There's only one secret encounter I found so far, and honestly it was before I started hunting for other secrets. What I'm doing now is replaying all the levels to see if anything interesting pops up, but either they're harder to find or I'm completely looking over them (or clues that lead to them). I suggest playing the entire game, getting all upgrades (and weapons of you can), stack on lives, then redo the levels. There might be a easier method, but it's what I'm doing right now.

what secret interaction did you find?

and what level?

cannot figure out how to get past dragon with yellow w tail on the new level past demo no matter what i do i get squashed am i missing something?

I don't know where you are.

what level are you talking about?

Also did you start a new game?

After you played the demo?

how do you defeat the last boss?

okay figured it out but the boss feels unfair and I mean this in a pure technical standpoint. see the thing is his attacks and pattern are really easy to dodge which is fine, its only easy when you figure out his mechanics. the problem is his armor it is way way way too chonky of a health sponge and i get it im not used the very best gun in the game (which im pretty sure requires me getting the red coins but ive been plating this game on patch 1.7 and ive seen the hell that could be ON EASY MODE  though im using normal for the boss) but im using the secound best fully upgraded and it takes on avarage 30 shots but because of the recycling upgrade it could actually be way more because im counting the end bullet to figure this out and it varies drastically. thats not only a large shot count but a massive amount of time just dodging and shooting and reloading if you run out by shooting the pea shooter. you also have to count of him just flying around for two minutes so the battle isnt actually terrible diffcult (except for the kaizo ass lazer and saw things but thats more of a me not being that good at dodging than the boss being bad). the game is balls to the walls one hit you die hard but ussally its my fault when I lose because i either messed up the timing or didnt notice a game mechanic like the lamps turning green for the spirit wind and doging under the blue dragon makes him stand still untill your ready which helps with platforming. the last boss is kinda just "hope you can whitlle down his armor while you dodge and god forbid that you make a minute error and hit his kill zones, oh and if you do get to the kaizo portion lets hope you memorized and dont make a single mistake or its another five minutes hopefully to get to this point again". im pretty sure that your not supposed to even get that mega gun unless you play hard mode so if im playing normal the boss should be scaled to the shot guns damage. sorry if it sounds like im complaing too much but ive been on this boss fight for 3 maybe 4 hours now and uasally your bosses, after figuring out theri mechnic, take like 5 trys at most maybe ten for the harder bosses

okay i know i just finished that whole rant but im gonna go on another one because your game has kinda got me in a obssessed (compliment) state and if i dont figure how to kill the boss soon im gonna lose it. anyway, his parts should have indivual health bars that are visable because even you dont change his item healths i should be able see them espically if i break the wrong one in the wring spot its instant death. the health bars will also help with the lack of feedback, i have no flipping idea how much damage im doing or if my attacks are even having an effect, and having a health bar tick down will help me feel less like im in purgetory till the kaizo kicks in. like again you did very well on this game and all of the bosses while frustrating have been fun while still being fairly diffcult but in your effort to make this final boss top them all you kinda made minor mistakes that create a worse experiance. okay i should be done ranting for now im gonna take a break from the game and hopefully ill figure out how to defeat the boss later

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This boss is gonna test you for sure.

And its also gonna check you if you got any of the upgrades and new weapons.

If you don't this boss is almost impossible specially with just your first gun.

But since I am a gamer myself I now push you in the way of unlocking the Railgun or you go and find the hidden levels and do the challenges.

Or you farm up the gems.

Try the boss again and you will see he is really easy once you know the tricks of him.

And the last boss has a blind spot if you double jump and jetpack at his armpit level you can damage him

Good luck

okay , when I said I figured it out i was doing the things you said, using upgraded shotgun to shoot at armoit level and was even got to where he does the butt smash thing that is where I died and haven’t been back since so maybe if I get this rail gun I finally be able to beat it . Just a few questions 

1.hidden levels? Where! I only think I found a hidden one on the very edge of the lab where you buy upgrades but I can only see barely, could I have some hints or instructions on how to find or get to them. 

2.are railgun parts behind red coins or hidden levels or is it a mix of both 

3. What in your opinion is the best place to grind gems because I use the place right after the purple blue dragons throne room where there’s a gaint gem and an extra life with a respawn pad close bye.

Your game has made me obsessive so those rants were more gamer rages than anything, I hope you continue to update the game to fixes bugs and maybe if god smiles apon this game add more content  


1. if you look at the machines in front of the portals you can see what you can collect.
If you want to acces the hidden level you must disable easy mode and find the hidden level in, HUB 1 Temple, HUB 2 Castle, HUB 3 Alien.
These levels are really tough since its filled with traps (and checkpoints so you will die a lot) so pack up on lives if you attempt these.
2. Just hidden levels or farm up gems to buy the gun in the shop, and you can try for death_coins because they will also give you a pack so you can carry more ammo.
3. HUB 2 Temple level up the shortcut kill the minotaur, Spooky 1 for early farming, or City Level 2 for late game farming (the fights)
You ranting is a good thing because the game interests you, if i get more bug reports I update the game and maybe tweak some of the game, no promises :P
And later as I took a long break ill make something more, I am having a few idea's.
Good luck with the challenges.

did ya find the hidden levels? where are they?

Hey, loving the squishes~ one request though, could you please switch the fart sounds to squishing sounds instead when the "Show farts" is off? i would greatly appreciate it, hope to enjoy the game more but the fart sounds are putting me off a bit ^-^ thank you for your attention! Amazing game!!

Sorry cant do that with the audio sadly.

But you can lower the fart sounds in the options menu

I am glad you like the game

Love the game! The ridiculousness of it all makes it a breath of fresh air after so many darker stories on games, if possible, may i request to speak with you in private on discord? username is zawkie.

It would mean a great deal to me if you were able to ^-^

Sure ill add you soon

I'm a little confused, I've beaten the final boss both on normal and hard mode just to make sure but I can't seem to get the last door with the portal to open? Is there something else I need to do?

Did you Find and activate all the towers?

I think I have but I'll have to check through all the levels because I'm not sure which one I could've missed

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Is there a way to see which levels have towers? Actually nevermind I activated all of them but it still won't open

You checked warp room 3?

Not sure how but I finally got it to work, thanks for the help! You did a great job with the game

Just curious, will this have some sort of "death gallery"?  Like you can view the animations of each times being squashed etc.

Ofcourse there is :D

Oh awesome! Im guessing it will be unlocked when you beat the game? If so, would you have to beat the entire game on hard mode to access?

No you need to find all the towers and beat last boss on normal mode

Sweet, honestly, prob one of the best platformer\fetish type game, the controls are not basic and entertaining, the level design is amazing, and the combat is fair and balanced, you did an amazing job man

Thanks a lot, lots of work went into this, its not perfect but its the best I can do ^^
And I am a gamer myself and for this game is something I would do, and it seems people enjoy it a lot.
Good luck getting all collectables and the 3 endings

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Is there a special thing you have to do to beat the future boss, in the wasteland world? I get him to zero health but he doesn't die? Sorry for not being more specific but I don't want to spoil anything without permision. 

You don't have to tell me how I just want to know if there is something.

Well if you look at the environment, you see like a big sign.
What does this sign display?
The boss stays stunned for a reason **wink wink**

Oh I get it, thanks!

Getting a little stuck on the level where you first meet the dragon skelly. I keep dying to the dragon chase and I don't have any clue if I am supposed to run faster or if there's something else I'm supposed to do to escape. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

You can slide between the dragons legs, so this gives you some distance to him, but best is to keep moving, but if you need him off your back slide under him.
Also be mind full for ramps because he will bounce on his butt.

So I'm a little stuck. I got the keycard in this level, but it won't let me progress. I'm guessing I have to do something else, but I'm unsure what.

Go left and beat the boss ^_^

(1 edit)

Ooooooh! I'm dumb, lmao! Thank you

ok so i found if you have a completed demo file already on your pc the game gives your the parts for the gun you collected

Yeah but I recommend to start a new game.

you will miss out on story and tutorials.

And you can collect them again since i did not changed the location of the parts. ^^

Been really loving the game so far! Although I've completely stonewalled progress when I hit the 3rd world... The chase is basically impossible and I can't even make it to climb up the first wall. I have no clue what I'm missing or doing wrong at this point?   

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You can use the ramp and double jump trough that wall, you don't need to go down.
Then you wall jump between those2 walls.
you can even trigger a walljump if you are jumping trough the jump trough wall on the left.
But I suggest wall jumping on the right, you can do this!

Also if you need more space slide between Dracaly's his legs (purple dragon) but he will bounce on his butt and squash you if he goes up ramps.

(1 edit) (+1)(-8)

Well, I was looking forward to playing this but you decided to make it cost money.

(2 edits) (+4)

He said from the begining it would cost money though?


Oh boo hoo, the game he's been working on for years costs money. Get a grip, support the creator.


Sorry for that, but you have to understand I don't have a kickstarter or patreon for this project, I have made this game in my own free time and worked on it for 3 a 4 years in between my job and adult life.

Sadly this game has become too big of a project to be for free, and I don't want a free game with annoying adds in them, so I asked for a fee to get yourself a copy.

This game is definitely worth 7 hours of playtime.
For example If you buy a movie ticket for also this price, you see it and that is it.

After the fee this game is for you, and to play whenever you want.
So Ill hope you decide to support me and give this game a shot.
If not, thank you for stopping by.

Thanks doc, looks wonderful!


I hope you all have fun playing this!

Deleted 298 days ago

Thanks for the report.
But the later conversations start having the doc face as a sort of reaction from him.

So its more a graphical inconsistency .
It might be patched later :3

(5 edits)

So if I just wait long enough in game the conversation will continue and the boss fight will be playable?

Also my save is started from the demo, does that change anything? If so should I start a new game?

Ohhh you should have played a new game because you MISS a lot of stuff.
like tutorails and story.
I said in the message to start a new game if you come from the demo.

You must press Enter key to continue dialog.
But I really suggest you to start a new game.


Big bun hyped for this. congrats doc

Thankies Yuki!